The Cooksongold Birmingham and Hatton Garden sites are both committed to the highest standards of performance in terms of the quality of service to our customers. We listen to our clients, continually reviewing our processes of service realisation in line with customer needs, maximizing the efficiency of our integrated management system.
We are committed to the protection of the environment, preventing pollution, and protecting the health & safety of all individuals affected by both our activities and advice, including our employees and the public while in the pursuit of quality supply.
We provide a safe and healthy working environment by ensuring that all personnel are suitably informed, trained or instructed to carry out their work in a safe, healthy, and environmentally friendly manner both to themselves, their surroundings and any other individuals who may be affected. We fully assess the risks of our activities and mitigate to reduce impact on Quality, Health, Safety, and the Environment – working towards a target of zero work related accidents or environmental incidents. The principal elements of our policy are: –
- a)To develop and maintain a Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Management System satisfying the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 and 45001:2018 which forms the framework for achieving continual improvement, complete client satisfaction, eliminating hazards, reducing OH&S risks and environmental impact with full realisation of all company objectives.
- b) To focus on the requirements of our business stakeholders, establishing levels of communication capable of totally determining their needs and expectations. To make available to the public the content and
terms of this QuEnSH policy. - c)To maintain an accurate knowledge of, and comply with, all relevant health, safety and environmental legislation, other requirements, best practice, and guidelines.
- d)To maintaining an optimum understanding of health, safety and environmental risk and impact associated with our activities and communicate these to our staff and clients (as appropriate) through training and continually updated knowledge on quality, health, safety, and environmental issues.
- e)To encourage open debate, consultation and participation for Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental improvement from all our employees and their representatives.
- f) To establish and maintain an infrastructure capable of supporting all company activities and realising all company objectives.
- g)To identify scope for improvement in every aspect of the company’s activities, devising and implementing effective solutions throughout the company by means of periodic reviews.
Note:Responsibilities for Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety Management at Cooksongold – refer to QuEnSH Manual, Employee Handbook, and Health & Safety notice board.
Paul Cooper
Managing Director
Dated 7th February 2024
For a PDF copy of our policy click here – QuEnSH Policy 07.02.2024